Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday 8/9 Recap

What a busy day! Started bringing up stock at 5am and were pretty much ready for customers at 8:00 and they came promptly at 8!! I made $318 total but I have to separate out what of that was part of the Fire challenge and not. I gave 5 toothpaste, 5 toothbrushes, 3 razors, 3 maxipads and 1 box of tampons to Children's but put the rest up for sale. I sold out of toothbrushes and toothpaste, all but 2 packs of the pullups and only sold a few of the maxipads. The Glade airfreshener didn't sell as well as I'd hoped but I sold about half of them. I sucked it up and put the Johnson's lotion up for sale. People had issue with $2 a bottle so I only sold 3. Which didn't bother me, more for me to keep and use :) I put a lot of other stock up that isn't included in this so it doesn't all count. Lotion and pasta sauce and cereal always sell well. As does shampoo and conditioner. Oh, and I sold all but one of the razors but they went for a lot less than Gillette razors so that was a bummer. Kraft dressing and BBQ sauce was quick to go at $1 and $0.75 respectively. Once I can compare to the "how much I spent" totals, I'll let you know how much I made on the sale that qulifies for the challenge :) Here's the money though LOL


Breakfast: I had a granola bar and a Propel water. I was busy from 8-9 and didn't get to pause until then. Scott and the kids just had cereal because I was too occupied to help :( The kids love cereal morning though so I can only feel so bad.
Snacks: Cheese and crackers with pineapples. I had a peach. YUM!
Lunch: Peanut Butter and jelly tortilla roll ups. Zucchini strips and ranch. Milk.
Snacks: Grapes and crackers. Chocolate milk :)
Dinner: I haven't made this dish for over a year and it is seriously my favorite. The kids loved it and Scott tolerated it. Chicken Spaghetti!! Scott had a salad too and the kids and I had some canned green beans. The kids got the leftover ice cream pie for dessert and Scott had a beer and some popcorn. I treated myself to a beer after my hard day's work :)

Chicken Spaghetti

1 pint can tomatoes

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 C. chopped green pepper

1 C. celery, chopped
8 oz mushrooms (pre-sauteed or canned)

1 small jar pimientos

8 oz green olives, sliced

1/2 - 1 # cheese (I used 1/2 regular, 1/2 2% and it separated a little but tasted great!!)

1.5 # spaghetti (I only had bought 1 # and you could tell, I wish I'd used more), cooked al dente

1/2-1# chicken, cooked and cubed (I broil but you can microwave ~ 6 minutes/#)

Sautee onion in a large pan (use a little spray oil if you need), when nearing translucent, add celery, mushrooms, peppers, pimientos, tomatoes and chicken. Sautee until warmed. Fold
chicken mixture into pasta and fold in cheese and olives. Bake at 350*F for 30 minutes.

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