Breakfast: Scott had a breakfast sandwich and I had my usual. Ryanne had fruit and milk and an oatmeal raisin granola bar when she got up. When we found out Hunter didn't have to undergo anesthesia he was excited and hungry!! (He has to fast for anesthesia). I had some granola bars in the car that I was going to take to work and we both had those. The nurses got him a juice box and he had two granola bars. I had four LOL
Snack: When Hunter went back to school (botox isn't that bad, he took it so well), they were having snack. I got him a Boost drink and added some butter to his crackers (we keep butter at the school to augment his snacks).
Lunch: I forgot my lunch (it was in the packed bag) and had to eat my remaining meal in the freezer at work. Turns out it wasn't mine but I could have sworn it was. Caused quite a rift and I was horribly unaware that it would. Anyway, I'll buy the person a new freezer burned flatbread melt. Scott had leftover meatloaf on bread as a sandwich. He had ritz crackers and a few almonds for snacks.
Dinner: I broke down and borrowed my neigbor's cuisinart. Just can't live without it. I got some discount salmon and made a wonderful nut crust with raspberry dressing and a "cream sauce". Scarfed down by the whole family!! Even the kids!! Got some frozen peas and made a rice/pea side dish and served side salad and milk to drink.
Almond crusted raspberry salmon
Nut crust, blend until uniform consistency in cuisinart:
2 oz. almonds
2 slices toasted wheat bread
1 T sour cream
1/2 T reduced fat raspberry salad dressing
1 tsp italian seasoning
Spray cooking pan with cooking spray and place salmon in skin down. Top with almond crust and drizzle with an additional 1 T raspberry dressing. Bake at 400*F for ~20 minutes until salmon is consistently non-opaque. Topped with cream sauce and additional 1/2 T raspberry dressing.
"Cream" sauce
2 T. reduced fat butter (I use Smart Balance)
2 T flour
3/4 C. skim milk
3/4 C. whole milk (or alternatively to splitting the milk, use 1/5 cups of 2% milk- you can use skim milk exclusively too, the sauce is lower fat and just a little thinner).
Preheat milk in saucepan or microwave (sauce pan works best) and set aside. Melt butter and fork stir in flour until it makes a paste. Slowly add the warmed milk, whisking constantly. Simmer on medium-low until sauce thickens. Whisk constantly for best consistency. Serve warm.
Veggie Rice
1.5 C rice
2 cups water
1 cup broth (I use crockpot leftover juice)
Frozen veggie of your choice (mushrooms are nice too), 3/4 - 1 cup.
Pre-braise rice in pan with a little cooking spray. It will turn a slightly whiter color. Add water and cook on medium-low heat until almost all evaporated. Add broth and veggie and cook until rice is done.
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